Sunday, September 16, 2018

Keep Plugging Along

I would love to say that the monster pile 'o' paperwork from hell has been tamed. but who am I kidding? I've been trying to zip though it all as fast as I can, but one cannot simply throw a huge wad of this into the recycling bin and have done with it.  I wouldn't say I'm wait, yes I would. I worry about having any personal information getting into the wrong hands. In today's world most receipts only show a few of your credit card numbers ie: XXXX-XXXX-1234, however, 15-20 years ago this wasn't the case. The entire string of numbers seemed to be on EVERYTHING, sometimes multiple times. Social Security numbers were used as ID numbers on medical bills and records. So, needless to say a ton of this nightmare needs to be destroyed, shredded, soaked in bleach and mashed to a pulp. Well, that may be overkill, but I'm not taking any chances.  
The upside of this paper game is that mixed in have been some fun things: photos I thought were long lost, the hotel receipt from our honeymoon, letters from our kids to Santa from when they were little.  I even found my first acceptance letter for some poems I wrote requesting them for publication.  How cool is that?
By the way, adding to this mess in my life is the fact that I have lost all sense of time.  I've been staying up later and sleeping in.  Doing basically the same thing every day, half the time, I can't tell you what day it is.  I need to make sure all my appointments are in my phone with alarms to alert me.
Hopefully, once finished, I'll be able to maintain the growth of "stuff" and things will get a little easier, less complicated, more free. Hey, it could happen. 

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